How to choose to do something else besides WORRYING:

Worry. This must stop. In such a busy day to day existence where we are acting like rats chasing our tails just to make ends meet, it is of no surprise that we have a major issue of worrying in our minds and expressed in our health. There is so much that appears to be out of our hands, with high bills and credit reports, loss of income and the list continues. You turn on the t.v. and find all the global issues we are facing; war, global warming, just pick one. It’s a surprise we are capable of staying sane a midst it all.

Unless you are like an ostrich and can exist by putting your head in the sand, you will need to live and therefore it is of no surprise if you are a person who worries. It is a well known fact though, that worry can and will cause disastrous effects on our health. Not only can it inhibit our ability to make sound and wise decisions, but it can use up our resources of energy and leave us hopeless. Once this worry has become a continual experience, it will increase anxiety and will affect our productivity as joyful people.

Some people think that this act of worrying can prevent horrible situations from occurring. Yet we all know that doubt and fear accompanied with this doubt can take a major toll on our nervous system and general overall health. How do we stop this? We might not have the capacity to end the act of worrying all together, but we can move forward to end some of it.

Let me introduce some helpful worry free pointers:

  1. Problem Solving:

You can choose to act on the issue by taking a problem solving approach! When one worries, this is one choice of a path to go down. If you choose to take a proactive approach, you can try problem solving. This approach involves first looking at the situation with an objective eye and calm mind, and them coming up with positive, physical answers for solving the issue. The other option, worrying will very often not solve the issue, but in turn can and often will make it worse. Often people will over think the problem and procrastinate which will often lead to no action on a solution. It doesn’t make any difference if you are focusing on all the bad aspects, the problem will not change. You are not getting any closer to an answer.

  1. Is this issue one that can be solved?

Can this problem be solved or are you worrying about something that is out of your hands? Do you have control over this issue? First, ask yourself some helpful questions: Does this issue currently affect me? Is this issue a fabricated or is it something that could happen? If it is one that could happen, how close to reality is it that it could occur?

What I am capable of doing to prevent or prepare for such an issue? Is it an issue in which I have any control?

Problems that can be prevented are situations that you can choose to take steps to alleviate the outcome or affect the outcome all together. Just take steps to look out for potential problems. For instance, you can save income to look out for emergencies. You may also choose to contact those who can help like your bank to set up plans to pay off any debt in a way that will work for you. If it is the health of your body or your loved ones, first be aware and choose to consume foods that are good for you, get some good exercise and get enough sleep. Deal with what you can. Address what you can. Brainstorming creatively will also assist in the process of avoiding the worry trap and will create a map for you to look upon when you have forgotten which steps to take.

  1. Issues that have no solution:

There are some issues that we do not have any way to alter. Do not choose to fret about the future. One cannot do anything about what may come. It is a waste of time to fret about it. It is wise to place your time and energy on those things that you can affect. If I sat here and thought about potential life threatening diseases or disasters, I could not write this helpful article! We can only do what we can to make and create productive wonderful outcomes for our lives. Let the issues we cannot control exist somewhere besides your mind. Just let it go.

  1. Look Ahead:

If you can prevent anything from becoming something that you will worry about do it. If it means adding extra studying time to your lessons for school, do it. I know it sounds simple, but if you are worried about the lights going out, buy candles! Do whatever you can in your power to prepare for an issue.

  1. Comprehend the idea that some issues are really out of our hands.

Have you heard of the Serenity Prayer? Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. This idea has been implemented in many different forms and commonalities but the essence of the statement is exactly what I am referring to today. Have it be known that some things we just really can’t change and we have to accept this. We can be courageous in our lives and experiences and do something about those issues we can change. Sometimes we may need help to differentiate between what we can really change and what we can’t . There is help out there. Find it.

For those who worry incessantly, they may think that they are preparing for all things that could go wrong. These people often struggle with the future. These people may think that the worry they are performing is preparing them for what could go wrong. The opposite is true. Worrying about it all does not allow for good solutions, it only creates more issues. It makes the present moment no fun! If you choose to release the need to control the outcome and for answers that may not arrive instantly!

  1. Ask yourself with your mind:

What does worrying bring? Anything worthwhile? Let us use our minds to define the issue. Ask yourself is there proof that can show that the thought you are thinking is based in reality and is worth thinking about instead of worrying about? Is it a real issue, and what is the likelihood that this will occur? If such thing does occur, is there anything that can be done? Is this idea helpful? If I choose to worry about this will this aid or harm the situation or issue at hand? Is there an alternative perhaps more beneficial option or perspective to attending to this issue?

Let me list for you the many non-productive ways of thinking that have the potential to generate harmful thoughts.

  • Catastrophic thinking: this is when a person predicts that the most horrible thing will happen. They jump to the worst possible outcome. Here’s an example: Your mom is late getting home from the airport and you think she has crashed in the airplane.
  • Over-generalization: This is where a person makes just one experience label the situation will always hold true in a similar situation. Example: My boyfriend breaks it off and I think I will never find love again!
  • Jumping to Conclusions: This is when a person construes an experience always negatively. Let’s say you are in the grocery isle, and the person behind you glares at you and therefore you believe that they completely dislike you.
  • All-or-Nothing Thinking: This mode of thinking is when a person believes there is no in between for instance, if I make one mistake and it is not perfect, then I will never succeed.
  • Labeling: Please do not make the mistake that you are a complete failure and call yourself one due to previous experiences in your life.

You can choose to do things that will help. Meditation and other commonalities that are similar will help you in reducing and if not alleviating altogether worry. If you put your mindfulness on the present you can stay current in the moment. This will reduce worry. You are not “future or past jumping.” You are present and this is the perfect place to deal directly with what is at hand. You can look at your thoughts and feelings and witness them instead of allowing them to control you and lead you down a path you don’t want to go down. When you are open to new ideas and are not trying to control these things you may notice that they will fade with ease. It may take some effort to change the habit of worrying, but it is possible and very beneficial. You will see positive results unfolding in no time.

In conclusion, it is very evident that your health will pay the price for this worrying and disconnected mind rambling. Know that your health will benefit from your ability to alter this process. Just practice some of these ideas we have suggested here. There is plenty of help out there.

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1 Comment

  1. Rachele Phommacharinh
    October 19, 2022

    Hi there, Shaun

    Thanks for sharing your website and pearls of wisdom. Not everyone can leave their 9-5 jobs without a hitch. Many people, like me, were brought to believe that landing a regular job, work your derriere off, pay bills, and basically live life from check to check. Factor in the credit card addiction and life becomes a vicious cycle.

    However, you touched on a very valid point. It is a fact that a change in mindset can make all the difference, No one has to stay under the delusion that a 9-5 job is all there is. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    I believe with all my heart that it is possible to make more money online if we are willing to work hard and put in the time. Building wealth takes time, Rome wasn’t built in a day. At the end of the day, success is inevitable with the right mindset.


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