Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life
How does one take a leap of faith out into the unknown? To some this is a death sentence. Not being able to plan the future with the current budget I make, or have a backup plan in sight with a firm foundation to stand on, how could one proceed with logic into the future? […]
Opportunity Within The Law Of Attraction
Integrating Spirituality into form with the Law of Attraction As we live here on this earth, we will always have the opportunity to learn and keep learning. We will always have the chance to increase our knowledge about the Law of Attraction. The Secret is a wonderful movie that encourages and mentions these Law ideas […]
What About The Law Of Attraction
Law of attraction: The Law of Attraction is a current topic of conversation and has been for a little while in the mainstream as well as the metaphysical community. Although this Law is one that has been around since the beginning of time, it is just of recent that we have begun to truly delve […]